I did a few projects to sell at last weekend's market. I made color copies of them and cut them down to little 3x5" cards and stuffed them in some envelopes I had left over from the wedding. I was selling packs of 6 cards for $5 which I thought was reasonable. But no new customers looked at them, having been distracted by Asher's art that was overwhelming the table. Note to hubby, get your own darn card table next time (this one's MY mama's).
I did a brown haired pin-up because I felt like I was being blind to brunettes lately. She reminds me of my old friend, Elise, who made chain smoking, drinking and dousing yourself in perfume so damn sexy.
The "My Little Peony" card is a play on words that I thought I was so clever to think up. I googled it later and found out it had been thought of before. Anyway, I still think it is cute and it reminds me of my wedding and all of the beautiful peonies.